Popularity of authentic used casino table games is on the rise for your home or business. Many folks are investing in used casino games as a focal point in their recreation rooms and for the man of the house, “Man Cave”. Properties change out tables every so many years because of wear and tear or decor changes. Those games go to storage and then end up being purchased by gaming distributors.
Types of Used Casino Table Games

Blackjack Tables are the most popular. They are usually in abundance and there are many styles of furniture, colors of trim and layouts to choose from.
Next most popular are Craps Tables. Craps Tables come in different types and lengths. These tables are real wood furniture with some weight behind them. Craps tables are beautiful and impressive gaming tables when restored back to new condition.
Roulette Tables can be popular, because they are the most popular casino game globally. The biggest challenge with Roulette is that it can be difficult to find a Roulette Wheel. There are two Roulette Wheel flavors, American Wheel (Double Zero) and European Wheel (Single Zero). Both of these wheels can be very expensive to purchase and maintain, therefore the most expensive own, which drops them down on the list of everyday owners.
In a home application, most folks invest in a quality game for the nostalgia of where it came from. Authentic table games are manufactured with quality craftsmanship. Some keep the existing layout regardless of condition of wear. Others print a custom layout with a personal logo, since it will be in their own game room or Man Cave for personal entertainment.

Many of the authentic used casino table games are for collectors. They love the history behind the games and if they are older tables, those games have a history for sure! They sometimes leave the furniture as is or recondition it to original form. Old school collectors recondition everything but the layout. Popularity is not the factor in collecting these types of games. Here it is about value, price and making a profit. Used Roulette and Craps command the bigger dollars. Blackjack depending upon the layout and the casino it came from, dictates the value.
Game Suppliers
Finally, find a honest and knowledgeable supplier who can give you the services you need to accommodate your goals. A good supplier has all the accessories available. Such as chairs, shuffle machines, chip trays etc. Good suppliers can usually recondition the game for you, make any custom changes (If you are not a collector) and stand behind the shipping of the game. Shipping seems pretty simple right? Once someone damages the table, you will need a solid supplier who is full service to help you with getting it repaired and reshipped.
Casino Supplies and Services, Inc. and www.CasinoManCave.com are the most respected companies dealing in used table games in the USA and limited International locations.
They are by far the largest in the USA, with the Largest Inventory best prices, experience and service in the industry. Speak with John D. the owner and let his 25 plus years in the industry help you through the process of finding the table that truly fits your needs and budget. With contacts in all the major casino properties in Las Vegas, NV, John connect you to an authentic game from a specific property.
Call John For Help Today! 702-808-0965 We ship anywhere in the USA.